
Lightscape 3.2 download
Lightscape 3.2 download

Lightscape 3.2 download Lightscape 3.2 download

Therefore, calculation conditions describe two models of overcast sky: Traditional and Standard. Given that each type of software uses a different interpretation of sky luminance, the evaluation of precision is carried out using the overcast sky model for each lighting software.

Lightscape 3.2 download

However, since it is difficult to evaluate daylight quality and quantity in non-standard spaces using manual methods, the use of daylight simulation has considerably increased as a necessary step toward the accurate evaluation of daylight in buildings in order to help designers or decision makers to choose appropriate architectural and/or technical solutions to achieve a comfortable built Choosing the calculation conditions Introducing effective daylight strategies has become an essential goal for any sustainable building.

Lightscape 3.2 download

Design Builder 3.0, Ecotect Analysis 2011 and Relux Pro show inadequate results. Following the analysis of the sky component using the CIE test cases, it is concluded that the 3DS Max Design 2014 and Daylight Visualizer 2.6 programs present a maximum relative difference from the analytical model of close to 10%, while the DaySim 3.1b, Dialux 4.8 and Lightscape 3.2 programs show a margin of relative error lower than 30% in all case studies. The results are contrasted with the analytical calculation of the sky component using Tregenza algorithms and the test cases established by the CIE, considering the models for Traditional and Standard Overcast Sky. In order to establish the precision for each program, the sky component is measured at different points of study on the floor of a room, taking variable sizes and positions of openings into consideration. The 3DS Max Design 2014, Daylight Visualizer 2.6, DaySim 3.1b, Design Builder 3.0, Dialux 4.8, Ecotect Analysis 2011, Lightscape 3.2 and Relux Pro programs are analyzed. The main aim of this article is to analyze the precision of several lighting simulation programs regularly used in daylighting studies for architecture, following the methodology established in the CIE test cases document.

Lightscape 3.2 download